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The Grand Finale to A Different Kind of Sentinel

House of Rivendell

Rivendell Books

Ere retiring in 2015, we were a niche publisher for the lone writer of books that explore the Transcendent Function or collaboration of the conscious and unconscious—the process at the heart of Carl Jung’s theory of psychological growth by which one is guided, thru Active Imagination or dialogue with the unconscious, toward the person one is meant to be.

We were and still are a zany mix of a Catholic contemplative, Jungian pacifist and Mad Hatter with a smidgen of Zen rolled into one who has been thru the Looking Glass and come back with a vision that is reflected in our books, A Different Kind of Sentinel and I Am Who I Am. It is the vision of a schizoid OCDer whose multiple personality disorder does not keep him from hearing new voices but assists him in seeing what others cannot see, that which limits this multiplicity of personalities to accepting only those books that reflect the look and feel of what goes on behind the Looking Glass.







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